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Complaints Procedure

Cable Bahamas Ltd prides itself as being a company built on excellent customer service; however, we acknowledge that sometimes things do go wrong. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with our services, you have a right to complain to us. This Complaints Handling Procedure gives clear and to the point information about what you can do if you are dissatisfied. It tells you:

  • How you can complain;
  • What we’ll do and when we’ll do it; and
  • What you can do if you are still dissatisfied.

Under this procedure a “complaint” means an expression of dissatisfaction made by a customer to us related to either:

  • How we provide services to you; or
  • This complaints handling procedure itself; and

There is an expectation that a response or resolution is forthcoming.

Complaints do not include general requests for information, a service request, a fault report and frivolous or vexatious calls.

Hard copies of this procedure and our complaints forms are available upon request free of charge at our main office located on Robinson Road, Nassau or at any of our branch offices on the Family Islands.

If for some reason you are not able to complete a Complaint Form yourself, please contact our Customer Care Department at 601-2200 (Nassau) or 602-8800 (Freeport) and a member of our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

In order to ensure efficient and effective processing of complaints CBL will periodically review its procedures, and will notify its customers of any significant changes to this Complaints Handling Procedure after first obtaining URCA’s approval of these changes.

If you are disabled, physically challenged or incapacitated in any way and wish to appoint a representative to lodge your complaint on your behalf, we will be happy to work with you provided proper permission and identification of your appointed person is provided to us.

How you can complain

You must lodge your complaint with us within sixty (60) business days after the occurrence of the incident. To lodge a complaint simply complete our Complaint Form and submit it to us, our Complaint Forms are available on our website or at any of our offices. Along with your completed Complaint Form you may be required to submit supporting information and/or documentation relating to the complaint, including but not limited to letters, contracts, agreements, e-mails or any other related evidence. All documentation submitted will be retained by us for a minimum period of 12 months. If you are hearing or sight impaired one of our Customer Care Representatives will be happy to assist you in completing the form and explain this procedure to you. The Complaint Form may be submitted to us in any of the following ways:

Send us your complaint:

  • Complainant Information: This information is to be added by the person making the complaint in the event that that person is not the actual account holder.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Visit one of our locations:
Business Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Mail us at:

Cable Bahamas Limited
Attn: Complaints Handling Customer Care Department
Robinson Road P.O. Box CB 13050

Business Hours 8:00am – 8:00pm, Monday – Friday and 8:00am – 5:00pm, Saturday

What we’ll do and when we’ll do it

Once a complaint is received by us, we will issue the complaint a unique identifier code, so that you can track your complaint up to its resolution.

A complaint will be acknowledged within five (5) days of its receipt by us, at which time we will advise when you can expect a response to your complaint, in all cases we aim to have complete resolution within thirty (30) business days.

If our Customer Care Representatives cannot resolve your complaint within an acceptable time it will be escalated. Our Manager of Customer Care will then work with you to try and resolve your problem. If that doesn’t work, we’ll then involve the Director of Customer Care or the VP. We settle most outstanding complaints at this stage, but if not we’ll explain our final position.

You can ask for the Manager of Customer Care or someone else in the escalation hierarchy to review your complaint at any time if the Customer Care Representative has not been able to help and has not already offered to escalate your complaint.

When CBL has resolved your complaint or a firm decision is taken relating to your complaint, you will be notified as soon as possible.

The Complaint Handling Procedure involves the following stages; –

  • Complaint is lodged by a customer;
  • Complaint is acknowledged within 5 business days of its receipt;
  • The complaint is investigated;
  • Complaint is escalated internally, if necessary
  • Customer is notified of a resolution;
  • Complaint is deemed closed by CBL

CBL will deem a complaint resolved/closed in the following circumstances;

  • The complaint has been resolved and the customer is no longer dissatisfied
  • The customer clearly indicates that they no longer wish to pursue the complaint
  • We have agreed with the customer an agreed course of action, that if taken would resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the customer.
  • We have done all that we can, but the customer and CBL cannot agree on a course of action or a way forward.

What you can do if you’re still dissatisfied

If you’re still dissatisfied having followed the process explained above, and thirty (30) business days have passed since you complained, you can refer your complaint to URCA.

Confused about something? Or just need to chat through your options? We’re right here.

Call us 242-300-2200
Important Notice: Cable Bahamas is retiring the REV network as we transition to ALIVFibr. On March 31, 2025, additional communities will be impacted as part of this upgrade. Stay informed about the areas affected and next steps by clicking here for more detailslearn more.