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Corporate Governance

The cornerstone of trust between our company, customers, and shareholders

Cable Bahamas is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. It is an essential component of our long-term success and the cornerstone of trust between our company and society. Our corporate governance policies and practices are well-aligned with the company’s Corporate Governance Principles.

We believe that good governance starts with independent, effective, and diverse board leadership and that we are more likely to achieve sustainable shareholder value when we aspire to have a board with the right mix of skills, expertise and tenure. We invite you to learn more about our board and our corporate governance policies and practices by exploring this website.

Board Of Directors

We believe a Board with a diverse set of viewpoints, backgrounds and expertise is best positioned to provide broad perspectives to our management team as it assesses the challenges and opportunities impacting our business.

Board Committees

Board oversight is carried out through our three standing committees: Audit & Risk; Nominating and Corporate Governance; and Human Resources & Compensation.

Governance Documents and Committee Charters

Governance Documents

Committee Charters


The most important commitment we can make to our customers, our shareholders and each other is living up to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and respect. It is our intention to operate with full transparency and a commitment to ethical conduct.

Our Whistleblower Policy encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or violations of adopted policies of the organization, specifies that the organization will protect the individual from retaliation, and identifies those staff or board members or outside parties to whom such information can be reported.

See an Ethics Issue That We Should Be Aware Of?

Cable Bahamas and ALIV employees, customers and vendors have the right and responsibility to speak up if they encounter a situation that violates our standards of business conduct. These might include:

  • Accounting irregularities
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Dishonest Communications
  • Environmental, health, or safety concerns
  • Harassment or discrimination
  • Improper business conduct
  • Improper use of company information
  • Inappropriate gifts, entertainment, or gratuities
  • Theft or fraud
  • Violations of company policies
  • Substance abuse

Here’s a way to let us know:

We utilize a third-party provider to report incidents, behaviors, practices or conditions which you believe may be unethical, illegal, or otherwise threatening to our business.  Our anonymous service is operated by Ethical Advocates. Reporting is confidential, secure, and you can choose whether to remain anonymous or identify yourself. This service is available 24/7/365. You may contact:

Call: 1-888-528-0638

In addition, Cable Bahamas Group employees always have the option to provide information directly to their supervisor, Human Resources or any member of management.

Upholding our reputation as an ethical and honest company is one of our top priorities.

Confused about something? Or just need to chat through your options? We’re right here.

Call us 242-300-2200
Important Notice: Cable Bahamas is retiring the REV network as we transition to ALIVFibr. On March 31, 2025, additional communities will be impacted as part of this upgrade. Stay informed about the areas affected and next steps by clicking here for more detailslearn more.