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Cable Bahamas Partners with Ministry of Economic Affairs on ParkConnect Project

The nations largest media provider invests more than $200K in Free Park Wifi Initiative


The Cable Bahamas Group is proud to serve as a partner with the Ministry of Economic Affairs on its ParkConnect project, which officially launched this past weekend. Through this new initiative, The Government and its partners will offer Free Public WiFi  on scores of community parks throughout The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

ParkConnect was created  as a solution to the disparity in access to critical technology throughout the country. The lack of consistent access to the internet put thousands of students at a grave disadvantage over the past few years as schools relied heavily on e-learning.

During his remarks at the launch ceremony, held in New Bight, Cat Island, Prime Minister Phillip Davis celebrated the initiative stating, Internet access has become an essential service, as crucial to economic development as roads or utilities. The internet is a highway of information and opportunities, bringing people news, allowing for the sharing of ideas, and building connections between communitiesNow, this valuable resource will be available free of charge to Bahamian individuals, families and businesses in parks and community centers across the country.

Charnette Thompson, Vice President of Business Solutions at Cable Bahamas traveled with Prime Minister Davis and his delegation to the ceremony. During her remarks she lauded the power of teamwork noting, The ParkConnect WiFi project is an excellent example of what can be achieved when we look forward, march onward and work together. Aliv and Cable Bahamas Group are proud to support this ParkConnect initiative by providing Fiber, WiFi hotspots, internet bandwidth and manpower to deliver WiFi access at parks throughout our country. 

Due to global supply chain issues, we had to be very creative and aggressive with sourcing materials; coordinating efforts across multiple islands to ensure that this project was successful. Consequently, Cable Bahamas and Aliv have invested over $200,000 in materials, along with countless man hours to facilitate the WiFi infrastructure implementation at 16 park locations so far.

We certainly look forward to going farther together with Ministry of Economic Affairs and its partners as we deliver ParkConnect WiFi access to more communities through this national project.

Prime Minister Davis praised the shared love of countrydemonstrated by Aliv and Cable Bahamas along with each of the other stakeholders, stating that  their combined resources and expertise made the dream of ParkConnect a reality. This is not simply an investment in a park — this is an investment in our people and in our future. He concluded.

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Important Notice: Cable Bahamas is retiring the REV network as we transition to ALIVFibr. On March 31, 2025, additional communities will be impacted as part of this upgrade. Stay informed about the areas affected and next steps by clicking here for more detailslearn more.