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Cable Bahamas Sponsors Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

The nation’s top communications provider donates more than $15,000 of in kind services

With only a few days left for the annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Event, The Cable Bahamas Group of companies is committed to support the Sunshine Insurance Race weekend by providing in kind donations in the form of TV advertising, live broadcasting on OUR TV and providing critical communication devices to be utilized by the Marathon Bahamas team and medical staff.

This sponsorship is nothing new to the CBL group of companies. REV has had a long history with supporting cancer awareness in The Bahamas for years.

Marketing Manager, Melissa Colebrook said, “We are pleased to be in a position to help raise awareness and to assist in this worthy cause through our annual sponsorship. Breast cancer is so prevalent in our community and it’s important that those suffering from this disease know that they’re not alone and that the corporate world is committed to fighting this battle with them. We applaud the efforts of the Race weekend organizers and all involved in this annual event.”

All REV TV subscribers can tune in to OUR TV channel 212 and view the live action from the comfort of their own homes.

Along with a full 360 coverage of the event, CBL business solutions will equip race organizers with push to talk devices that will ensure a smooth and safe race day. The Push to Talk is an instantaneous communication wireless device that allows for quick communication with one push of a button.

“We are providing Wi-Fi services at certain locations on the route along with a Push to Talk solution using our state of the art ALIV Network. This new apparatus has eliminated the need for trunk radios for this event. Our solution will allow for event organizers to have real time data on exactly where the event staff are, who have access to the devices”, said Javier Bowe, Head of Major Accounts –  Commercial Sales Group.

He added, “This partnership is important because it shows the Bahamian community our commitment to a very worthy cause at the same time highlighting an exciting product available for Businesses to take advantage of which can reduce operating costs while improving the communications for their companies.”

The eleventh annual Marathon Bahamas Race weekend will take place January 18th – 19th. This event features runners and walkers from over 19 countries and 31 states around the world. This phenomenal experience would not be possible if not for sponsors like Cable Bahamas who see the importance of raising awareness and funds for a plagued disease of women and men in The Bahamas.

Brandon Major, Marketing Director for Marathon Bahamas said, “Our partnership with Cable Bahamas is priceless.  Cable Bahamas’ live coverage of Marathon Bahamas has expanded our reach and encouraged participants to join year after year.  We look forward to continuing our relationship as we increase our TV advertising for the event, as REV has been a key player in distributing our message.  Cable Bahamas Interviews, TV Advertising and Press Releases have become a staple in our Marketing plan and has assisted the overall cause and helped us to continue to raise awareness for Breast Cancer and overall Health in The Bahamas.”

REV COO John Gomez, said “In times like these we all have to come together and do what we can. At REV our expertise is communications technology so naturally we were happy to offer that. We are a communications solutions company and we are happy to step up to the plate and assist.”

Persons interested in being a part of this worthy cause can obtain more information  by visiting

Founded in March 1995, REV has grown from a cable TV service provider to become the first communications provider in The Bahamas to offer ‘triple play’ service. Today, the 100% Bahamian owned company is publicly listed on BISX with over 3,000 Bahamian shareholders. The network is comprised of 14 free-to-air broadcast systems, eight stand-alone cable TV systems and four triple play systems networked by submarine fibre. We are the only 100% Bahamian owned communications provider, delivering residential and corporate broadband internet, cable television and fixed line calling, to 99% of the Bahamian population, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Confused about something? Or just need to chat through your options? We’re right here.

Call us 242-300-2200
Important Notice: Cable Bahamas is retiring the REV network as we transition to ALIVFibr. On March 31, 2025, additional communities will be impacted as part of this upgrade. Stay informed about the areas affected and next steps by clicking here for more detailslearn more.