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Non-Profits Share Perspectives on the Critical Necessity of Technology.

The Bahamas National Trust and Small Business Development Centre were featured during recent “Think Beyond” Forum hosted by Cable Bahamas Business Solutions.


‘Think Beyond’, a virtual forum hosted by Cable Bahamas Business Solutions has made an impactful return after a brief hiatus. The webinar series offers a digital space where entrepreneurs and industry experts can gather to discuss ideas and best practices in business, technology and more. During this latest episode, the CBBS team invited several non-profit entities to discuss the importance of technology in their field.

Mr. Delmaro Duncombe, who represented CBBS during the forum, discussed the role that Cable Bahamas Business Solutions gets to play in the integral work of non-profits by providing reliable technology solutions. “It’s all about speaking and meeting with organizations like the SBDC and The Bahamas National Trust about what they seek to accomplish and determining how Cable Bahamas can be a part of that. It’s also about giving them a robust, resilient connection the internet whether that’s through modem services or fiber. We continue to seek opportunities to offer organizations the kind of consistency and efficiency that they need to operate effectively because they last thing they want to worry about is whether or not their solutions are going to work.”

Elijah Sands, Senior Communications Officer for the National Trust and Shawn Gomez Assistant Director of Public Relations at the Access Accelerator – Small Business Development Center, also shared their insights on how their organizations utilize technology to advance their causes and ultimately impact the wider community.

The conversation which took place via Zoom and Facebook Live, centered around the importance of technology for all non-profits and the critical necessity of reliable broadband internet service for daily functions including, facilitating communications with supporters and distributing information and resources to constituents.

In discussing the role of technology in the day to day operations at The Bahamas National Trust Mr. Sands stated, “In each facet of our work we try to utilize technology as much as we can. We actually make it a priority to use the latest technology. We use a lot of digitization in our education programs especially after COVID, we spent a lot of times finding ways to still engage with young people and offer quality educational resources digitally.”

Ms. Gomez discussed how technology is pivotal to the work the SBDC does with entrepreneurs all over The Bahamas.

“Technology is extremely critical to the work we do. Even prior to the pandemic our executive director gave us a mandate to utilize technology and the pandemic made that need advance even more.  We were able to crossover to a digital platform and all of our services are now digital. This platform makes it easy for our clients who are on the Family Islands as it levels the playing field the accessibility is the same as long as you have access to the internet and a device.”

The event received high praise from several attendees on zoom. The Cable Bahamas Business Solutions team would like to formally thank everyone who tuned in and invite members of the public to stay tuned for more Think Beyond virtual events in the future.

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